Poziv/Call - A post-socialist queer commentary
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queerANarchive - (ne)vidljivi tragovi jedne povijesti - Nova điga (2017.) |
(eng below)
- Promjene u tome kako se queer osobe identificiraju i kako grade svoje identitete, te veze afektivnih, seksualnih i erotskih obrazaca ponašanja i načina međusobnog povezivanja, zajedničkog života i izgradnje zajednice.
- Životi queer osoba, s naglaskom na neprivilegirane, obilježene rodnim nasiljem, homo/transfobijom, ekonomskom nestabilnošću i društvenim asimetrijama u doba razvoja ekstremne desnice, mjera štednje i izolacije, povratka tradicionalnim vrijednostima i uspostavi autoritativnih konzervativnih režima.
- Mogućnosti i modeli postojanja mnoštva queer života van zapadnjačkih paradigmi i neoliberalnih ekonomija, s posebnim naglaskom na specifičnosti queer života post-socijalističkih društvenih okruženja.
Poziv se temelji na konceptu manifestacije koji je za kolektiv queerANarchive i u suradnji s kolektivom osmislila vizualna umjetnica Masha Godovannaya.
Prijave na poziv trebaju sadržavati koncept i tehnički opis rada, kratku biografiju prijavitelja/ice te fotografije, skice i/ili video zapise rada. Prijave se šalju putem maila, na queeranarchive@gmail.com, zaključno s 31. srpnja 2020. Prijave će ocijeniti tim kolektiva queerANarchive a prijavitelji/ice će biti obaviješteni o rezultatima sredinom kolovoza 2020.
The queerANarchive collective invites queer artists to apply for a group exhibition with the working title A post-socialist queer commentary. The exhibition will take place in 2021 at the Youth Center in Split, Croatia. The event is part of the qEXHIBITIONS program that has been ongoing since 2013, and is the first group exhibition organized within this program. Applications are open to all artistic and activist media and formats. Our desire is to explore, test, and popularize creative methods and approaches of queer resistance to authoritarian political tendencies, to question hierarchies and normalization processes that affect queer lives. The topics we want to deal with are:
- Changes in how queer people identify and how their identities are constructed, the connections between affective, sexual, and erotic behaviors and ways of connecting, communal living, and building community.
- The lives of queer people, with an emphasis on the underprivileged, marked by gender-based violence, homo/transphobia, economic instability and social asymmetries in an age of extreme right-wing developments, austerity measures, a return to traditional values and the establishment of authoritarian conservative regimes.
- The possibilities and models of the existence of a multitude of queer lives outside of Western paradigms and neoliberal economies, with special emphasis on queer life in post-socialist environments.
The invitation is based on the concept for the event which was designed by visual artist Masha Godovannaya for and in collaboration with the queerANarchive collective.
Applications for the call should contain the concept and technical description of the work, a short biography of the applicant, and photographs, sketches and/or videos of the work. Applications should be sent via email, to queeranarchive@gmail.com, by July 31, 2020 at the latest. Applications will be evaluated by the queerANarchive team and applicants will be notified of the results in mid-August 2020.
(translation - Ivan Berecka)
Rad kolektiva queerANarchive podržava Zaklada Kultura nova. Poziv je koncipiran uz podršku programa I-Portunus Europske komisije.
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